Upright Exercise Bikes

Burning Calories, Toning and Building Muscles On An Upright Bike

Welcome to our collection of upright exercise bikes for your home gym! Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting out, an upright exercise bike is an excellent addition to your home gym. These bikes are designed to provide a low-impact cardiovascular workout that can help you burn calories, improve your cardiovascular health, and strengthen your lower body muscles.

We feature a wide range of upright exercise bikes that are designed to suit different fitness levels, budgets, and preferences. We review bikes with adjustable resistance levels, comfortable seats, easy-to-read digital displays, and more. You’ll see stationary upright bikes with built-in speakers, tablet holders, and water bottle holders, so you can stay entertained and hydrated while you work out.

Whether you’re looking for a basic model or a feature-packed bike, we have something for everyone. We believe that everyone should have access to quality fitness equipment that can help them achieve their fitness goals, and that’s why we’re committed to providing affordable and high-quality upright exercise bikes. Browse our collection today and find the perfect bike for your home gym!

Schwinn AirDyne AD6

Feel the Burn with Schwinn’s AD6 Airdyne – The Ultimate Full-Body Blaster

Schwinn Airdyne AD6 stationary exercise Bike

The Schwinn Airdyne AD6 exercise bike is fantastic! It’s like having your own personal gym at home. It’s easy to use – just hop on, start pedaling, and you’re ready for a great workout. The resistance fan gives you a smooth and challenging ride, suitable for beginners and fitness enthusiasts.

What’s great is the dual-action arms, which work your upper body along with your legs. It feels like a full-body workout. The console tracks your time, distance, calories burned, and more.

But what sets the Schwinn Airdyne AD6 apart is its durability. It’s built to last even through intense workouts, and it’s quiet, so you won’t disturb others in your home.

In my opinion, if you want to stay fit at home, the Schwinn Airdyne AD6 is a game-changer. It’s convenient, versatile, and sturdy – a great purchase!

Read my complete review here.

Marcy Air-Resistance Exercise Fan Bike With Dual Action Handlebars

Pedal and Sculpt Your Way to Fitness with the Marcy Dual Action Fan Bike

Marcy Air-Resistance Exercise Fan Bike With Dual Acction Handlebars

The Marcy Air-Resistance Exercise Fan Bike with Dual Action Handlebars is an excellent piece of exercise equipment that provides a full-body workout.

The bike has a sturdy frame and is designed to withstand heavy use. The dual-action handlebars allow you to work your upper body while cycling, providing a more complete workout.

The air-resistance system provides smooth and consistent resistance, and the fan provides a cooling breeze to keep you comfortable during your workout. The bike is also equipped with an LCD screen that displays your time, speed, distance, and calories burned, allowing you to track your progress.

The seat is adjustable, and the bike is easy to assemble. The Marcy Air-Resistance Exercise Fan Bike is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a high-quality exercise bike that provides a full-body workout and is built to last.

Overall, I highly recommend this product to anyone looking for a great workout.

Need a more complete review?

ASSAULTFITNESS Assault AirBike Classic

The All-Muscle AirBike: A Sturdy and Versatile High-Intensity Workout Machine

ASSAULTFITNESS Assault AirBike Classic

The ASSAULTFITNESS Assault AirBike Classic is an excellent piece of exercise equipment that provides a challenging and effective full-body workout.

Engineered for intense workout performance, the ASSAULTFITNESS Assault AirBike Classic is the ultimate exercise bike for full-body cardio and resistance training.

Its commercial-grade steel frame provides unmatched stability, even during your most strenuous workouts. The large fan generates adjustable wind resistance for a smooth, consistent ride that targets your legs, core, and upper body.

Stay motivated during your workout with the easy-to-read console displaying time, speed, distance, and calories burned. Fully adjustable seat and handles allow you to tailor your ride for greater comfort and maximum muscle activation.

This versatile exercise bike enables you to vary cardio routines from intervals to steady state. Competitive athletes and gym goers alike rely on the Assault AirBike Classic for its capacity to deliver an intense, highly effective workout that burns calories quickly.

Nautilus Upright Bike Series

Sculpt Your Body and Supercharge Your Cardio with This Fully Loaded Exercise Machine

Nautilus Upright Bike Series

The Nautilus Upright Bike Series offers a comfortable and challenging workout at a very affordable price. With adjustable features such as the padded seat and handlebars, 25 levels of resistance, and 29 workout programs you can pedal your way to fitness.

Its high-speed drive system ensures a consistent pedaling motion. The dual-track LCD display tracks your progress in real-time, and the sturdy steel frame and adjustable leveling stabilizers make it perfect for home use.

This bike is a great way to get your heart pumping, burn calories, and sculpt your legs and core.

NordicTrack Commercial VU Exercise Bike

Features That Set the NordicTrack Commercial VU Apart

The NordicTrack Commercial VU Exercise Bike is a high-end stationary bike made by NordicTrack that offers an immersive cycling experience.

It has a 22” HD touchscreen that streams on-demand workouts powered by iFit training. The bike allows for incline and decline riding to mimic real road conditions and provide a challenging workout.

The VU has an automatic trainer control that adjusts resistance during workouts to match trainer instructions. The bike has an effective flywheel design and smooth pedaling motion.

It also has adjustable cushioning in the seat and handlebars for added comfort. With 32 digital resistance levels, wireless heart rate monitoring, and other high-tech features, the Commercial VU bike provides an intense home cycling workout with the feel of real road riding.

Check out my full review or see it on Amazon