What is the Best Diet to Lose Belly Fat?

It’s no secret that stubborn belly fat is a common pain point, quite literally. Studies show that over 30% of Americans have excess belly fat that puts them at risk for chronic diseases.

And that unwanted fat usually comes with a side helping of discomfort in one of the most inconvenient areas of the body.

As someone who has struggled with belly fat for years, I know firsthand how jeans seem to creep tighter around the middle each year and that belly bulge starts to hang over your waistband.

belly fat is unhealthy

Losing belly fat goes beyond wanting to look better in your clothes.

Excess abdominal fat, especially the deeper visceral fat that accumulates around your organs, drives up inflammation and affects how our bodies process insulin and blood sugar.

It’s also been shown to increase the risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, dementia, some forms of cancer, and overall mortality risk.

For optimal health, reducing belly fat should be a priority.

The good news is that targeted dieting and lifestyle strategies can help blast belly fat more efficiently.

In this post, we’ll explore the science-backed dietary approaches shown to specifically reduce dangerous abdominal fat. I’ll share which diet stood above the rest in directly shrinking waist circumference and improving belly-fat-related health markers in clinical trials.

Best Diets for Losing Belly Fat

When it comes to blasting away belly fat, not all diet plans are created equal.

It has been shown that the best diets for losing dangerous and deep belly fat are:

  • Lower-carb
  • Mediterranean-style
  • Intermittent fasting diets

Lower Carb & Low Glycemic Diets

Low glycemic and lower carb diets focus on replacing high glycemic refined carbs and sugars with healthier wholesome carbs from fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

They aim to prevent spikes in blood sugar and insulin to promote fat burning, especially around the belly.

Multiple studies demonstrate low glycemic diets preferentially reduce visceral abdominal fat and waist circumference more than other weight loss diets.

They also improve insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation by preventing those surges in blood sugar that trigger visceral fat storage.

Mediterranean Diet

A traditional Mediterranean style diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, whole grains, olive oil and fatty fish.

It generally emphasizes healthy fats over saturated fats, lean proteins and produce over processed foods.

Multiple clinical trials show Mediterranean diets specifically shrink waistlines and blast away visceral belly fat even without weight loss by reducing inflammation and improving insulin and blood sugar control.

The delicious, antioxidant-rich foods also fight the oxidative stress linked with excess abdominal fat.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting diets cycle between periods of fasting and eating.

They leverage short fasts to activate fat burning pathways and facilitate visceral fat loss. Intermittent fasting helps regulate appetite hormones like leptin and ghrelin to reduce cravings as well.

Clinical trials demonstrate 16-hour fasts help shed visceral belly fat, even with no change in calories, by lowering blood insulin levels and allowing fat stores to be burned for energy between meals.

The fasting periods drain away belly fat by metabolically prioritizing fat as the energy source.

Spot Reducing Excess Abdominal Fat

Despite what flashy ads claim, there is no way to simply “melt away” belly fat with a “miracle” exercise device or the latest fad pill.

The reality is that spot reduction of fat through targeted exercising of specific body parts is a complete myth – losing fat generally happens throughout the body based on genetics and overall calorie deficit rather than just in desired areas.

What Causes Belly Fat?

Belly fat refers to fat that accumulates around the midsection—excess fat that literally pads the area around your belly.

The main types of belly fat are subcutaneous and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the squishy layer that lies right under the skin and gives your tummy its rounded appearance.

Visceral fat is what pads the spaces between organs deep inside the abdominal cavity. This deeper visceral fat is actually far more dangerous for your health.

So what causes the dreaded belly fat to amass in the first place? There are several key contributors:


Some people simply inherit a genetic predisposition for carrying excess fat in the midsection.

A woman’s menstrual cycles and hormonal fluctuations after menopause, as well as lower testosterone in men as they age, also promote this propensity to preferentially gain belly fat.

Poor diet

Too many unhealthy processed foods, sugary beverages, fried foods, and simple carbs that spike blood sugar coupled with not enough whole, nutritious foods is a recipe for packing on unhealthy belly fat.

Empty calories in poor quality foods get stored as visceral fat.

Stress & lack of sleep

When you skimp on sleep or endure chronic stress, your body pumps out excess cortisol. This stress hormone is linked directly to greater accumulation of deeper visceral belly fat.


Without sufficient physical activity, it’s far easier for belly fat to sneak up on you and stick around. Inactive modern lifestyles are a prime cause behind the global obesity epidemic, belly fat included.

Once visceral abdominal fat starts to accumulate, it sets off a cascade of harmful effects in the body.

Carrying too much belly fat, especially excess visceral fat, significantly raises your risk for high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attack, stroke, type 2 diabetes, dementia, and numerous cancers.

Losing the fat that’s packed deep inside your belly should be an urgent health goal.

Exercise Recommendations for Belly Fat

While diet is crucial for reducing belly fat, adding regular exercise helps accelerate visceral fat loss even more.

The most effective workout strategies shown to torch belly fat utilize interval training and resistance training.

Interval training

Interval training alternates between short bursts of intense cardio and recovery periods. Those intense intervals trigger greater oxygen consumption for up to 24 hours—more burned calories and less retained belly fat.

Building muscle

Additionally, building muscle mass via resistance training, including abdominal moves like planks and crunches, helps reveal a trim, lean waistline by sculpting muscle underneath belly fat.

Weight training has the bonus benefit of boosting your metabolism since muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat.

Related: Which Exercises Burn Belly Fat?

Together, the belly-fat blasting one-two punch is combining heart-pumping interval cardio to burn deep abdominal fat, plus resistance training to strengthen and define your midsection.


When it comes to losing stubborn belly fat, consistent lifestyle changes get results.

To effectively reduce dangerous visceral fat and shrink your waistline, the combination of a belly-fat blasting diet plus regular exercise is ideal.

As we discussed, the dietary approaches with the strongest clinical evidence specifically for targeting abdominal fat are:

  • Lower glycemic
  • Mediterranean style
  • Intermittent fasting diets.

Each helps regulate blood sugar and insulin, fight inflammation, and physically drain excess belly fat.

Pair these slimming meal plans with interval cardio and resistance training for metabolism-revving workouts that specifically incinerate deep abdominal fat while sculpting waist-toning muscle.

As you incorporate lifestyle changes, choose sustainable, evidence-backed plans tailored to your preferences and needs. Losing weight rapidly is rarely permanent or healthy.

Take a slow, steady approach focused on building lifelong habits, not just shedding pounds quickly. Support your flat-belly efforts by also managing stress with relaxing activities, cultivating healthy coping strategies, and prioritizing quality sleep.

With consistency and commitment to these science-backed strategies, a slim, strong waist that boosts your health, confidence and quality of life is absolutely achievable. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step in the right direction—toward the vibrant health within your reach.

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