What is a Good Workout Schedule?

Long-Term Fitness: Building Sustainable Exercise Habits
How to make your workout schedule a permanent, enjoyable part of your life.

Having a workout schedule is essential for achieving fitness goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A workout schedule helps to keep you on track, stay motivated, and achieve your fitness goals in a timely manner.

We will discuss the factors to consider when creating a workout schedule, types of workout schedules, sample workout schedules, and tips for sticking to a workout schedule. By the end of this post, you will have a better understanding of what a good workout schedule looks like and how to create one that works for you.

What is a Good Workout Schedule?

Having a consistent workout schedule and sticking to it is crucial for achieving health and fitness goals. When you plan specific days and times for exercise each week and make it a habit, you are much more likely to actually follow through.

A regular workout schedule reinforces exercise as a priority in our busy lives. It also provides structure and accountability. Knowing exactly when you will exercise removes decision fatigue; you do not need to motivate yourself to work out each day but rather just show up at the planned time.

Sticking to a set workout schedule week after week enables you to track progress. You can see improvements in strength, endurance, and other markers of fitness.

The routine also makes exercise feel more natural over time rather than something you have to force yourself to do periodically.

Ultimately, having and following a workout schedule leads to better results because it facilitates discipline, consistency, and effort over time. Making exercise a true habit through planning and commitment pays dividends for your health.

Factors to Consider When Creating a Workout Schedule 

Fitness goals: Your fitness goals will determine the type of workout schedule you need. For example, if your goal is to build muscle, you will need a different workout schedule than if your goal is to lose weight.

Time availability: Your schedule and availability will determine how often and for how long you can work out. It is important to create a workout schedule that is realistic and fits into your daily routine.

Exercise preferences: Your personal preferences and interests will determine the type of exercises you enjoy doing. It is important to create a workout schedule that includes activities that you enjoy and look forward to.

Fitness level: Your current fitness level will determine the intensity and duration of your workout schedule. It is important to start at a level that is appropriate for your fitness level and gradually progress as you become fitter.

Health considerations: Your health status and any pre-existing medical conditions will determine the type of exercises that change your body and the intensity of your workout schedule. It is important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new exercise program.

Types of Workout Schedules

Full-body workouts: Full-body workouts involve working all major muscle groups in one workout session. This type of workout is great for beginners and those with limited time for exercise.

Split routines: Split routines involve dividing your workouts into different muscle groups on different days. This type of workout is great for intermediate and advanced exercisers who want to focus on specific muscle groups.

Cardio and strength training: Cardio and strength training involve combining cardiovascular exercise with resistance training. This type of workout is great for those who want to improve their overall fitness and burn calories.

HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training): HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by periods of rest. This type of workout is great for those who want to improve their cardiovascular fitness and burn fat.

Yoga and stretching: Yoga and stretching involve slow and controlled movements that improve flexibility, balance, and relaxation. This type of workout is great for those who want to improve their overall well-being and reduce stress.

Sample Workout Schedules

Beginner’s workout schedule:

  • Monday: Full-body workout (3 sets of 10 reps)
  • Wednesday: Cardio (20-30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise)
  • Friday: Full-body workout (3 sets of 10 reps)

Intermediate workout schedule:

  • Monday: Upper body workout (4 sets of 8-10 reps)
  • Tuesday: Lower body workout (4 sets of 8-10 reps)
  • Wednesday: Cardio and core (30-45 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise)
  • Thursday: Upper body workout (4 sets of 8-10 reps)
  • Friday: Lower body workout (4 sets of 8-10 reps)

Advanced workout schedule:

  • Monday: Chest and triceps workout (4 sets of 8-10 reps)
  • Tuesday: Back and biceps workout (4 sets of 8-10 reps)
  • Wednesday: Cardio and abs (45-60 minutes of high-intensity exercise)
  • Thursday: Shoulders and traps workout (4 sets of 8-10 reps)
  • Friday: Legs and glutes workout (4 sets of 8-10 reps)
  • Saturday: Cardio and core (30-45 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise)

How Often Should You Ride a Stationary Bike?

  • For general health, aim to use a stationary bike at least 2-3 times per week for 30-45 minutes per session. This provides moderate cardiovascular exercise to help keep your heart healthy.
  • To see bigger improvements in cardiovascular fitness, try using a stationary bike 4-6 times per week, building up to 45-60 minutes per session. Frequency is key for boosting endurance and stamina.
  • For weight loss goals, aim for at least 45-60 minutes on the stationary bike 4-5 times per week at a high intensity, such as in a spinning class. This will maximize calorie burn.
  • It’s best to take 1-2 rest days per week from the bike to allow your body to recover and prevent overtraining injuries. You can do light cross-training on some of those days.
  • Those new to cycling should start with shorter sessions, like 20-30 minutes, 3 times per week and gradually increase duration and frequency.
  • Listen to your body and take rest days whenever you feel especially fatigued or sore. Consistency over the long term is more important than any one single workout.
  • As your cardiovascular fitness improves, you may need to increase intensity through resistance or intervals to keep seeing gains. Change up your workouts to stay challenged.

Tips for Sticking to a Workout Schedule

Set realistic goals: Setting achievable goals is important for staying motivated and committed to your workout schedule. Start with small, realistic goals and gradually increase them over time.

Find a workout buddy: Having a workout buddy can provide accountability and motivation. Find a friend or family member who shares your fitness goals and schedule regular workout sessions together.

Track progress: Tracking progress can help you stay motivated and see the results of your hard work. Use a fitness app or journal to track your workouts, measurements, and progress.

Mix it up: Doing the same workouts every day can become boring and lead to burnout. Mix it up by trying new exercises, classes, or outdoor activities to keep your workouts fresh and exciting.

Reward yourself: Rewarding yourself after reaching a fitness goal or sticking to your workout schedule can provide motivation and a sense of accomplishment. Treat yourself to a massage, new workout gear, or a healthy meal to celebrate your progress.


Creating a good workout schedule is essential for achieving your fitness goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By considering factors such as fitness goals, time availability, exercise preferences, fitness level, and health considerations, you can create a workout schedule that works for you.

There are different types of workout schedules, such as full-body workouts, split routines, cardio and strength training, HIIT, and yoga and stretching. It is important to stick to your workout schedule by setting realistic goals, finding a workout buddy, tracking progress, mixing it up, and rewarding yourself.

Remember, consistency is key to achieving your fitness goals and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

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